Service comparison
Below, you'll see a comparison between our service offerings and our competitors. It's important to note that in EVERY category, our services are listed as superior. It's also important to note that we wrote everything on this page.
CadeCo | Competitor #1 | Competitor #2 | |
Time to Market |
3-5 days |
6-12 weeks |
1-2 years |
Efficiency |
High |
Low |
Lower |
Professionalism |
High |
Poor |
Horrible |
Customer Satisfaction |
High |
Low |
Terrible |
Hourly Rate |
High |
Moderate |
Low |
After experiencing Cade Co services, you'll wonder how
you ever managed without us!
Look at the dramatic transformation THIS Cade Co customer
One thing you might find unusual about Cade Co consultants, is that we ask that you don't look directly at us.
Not only does it make us nervous, but it's for your own good.
We should simply be treated the same way as an eclipse. It is highly advisable to look at us through a small box with a pin-hole in the center.